Applications View our application videos for different industries Manufacturing Industries (sorting/packing) milk bottles with visionMilk Bottles PackingFMCG with visionFMCG Packing with VisionGlassware pickingGlassware PickingFMCG no vision FMCG Packingfruits platterFruits Platter Assemblingchicken wing with visionChicken Wings Picking with Visionnyonya kuehNyonya Kueh Packingmeal assemblingMeal Assemblingsatay pickingSatay Picking Manufacturing Industries (palletizing/depalletizing) Glassware pickingBooks PalletizingXenith-5.1 pick pouchPouch PickingReconfigurable Suction GripperCereal Boxes Picking Central Kitchen/Restaurant Automated Frying StationAutomated Frying StationCatering with Computer VisionCatering with Computer Visionchicken wing with visionChicken Wings Picking with Visionsatay pickingSatay Pickingnyonya kuehNyonya Kueh Packing Other Applications bee hoon folderBee Hoon Auto-folding MachineAgri-harvestingAgri-harvesting Have other applications that require intelligent gripping solutions? Contact Us 5 Engineering Drive 1, Block E6 #07-03Singapore Stay up-to-date with our newest technologies. Subscribe to our news. Name* Email* Submit