Video: Product Launch at NRP6 Event Highlights
We are pleased to showcase and introduce our soft robotic gripping technologies at the NUS Enterprise’s InnovFest x Elevating Founders Asia, the official start-up event of Asia Tech x Singapore (ATxSG).
Other than F&B and agricultural farms, GourmetGrip can also be used in 3C industries to pick and place fragile or delicate electronic components.
RoPlus, together with our partner JM VisTec System exhibited at the 21st IUFoST World Congress. We showcased vision-guided goodie bags packing with our hybrid robotic gripper at MBS Convention Centre.
GourmetGrip can be used to handle meat pieces or sticks of satay. The food-safe sleeves ensure food hygiene when the fingers are in direct contact with the food items.
Touted to be able to grip objects ranging from soft and delicate to bulky and heavy, the robotics system is designed to meet the needs of industries such as vertical farming and food assembly, say engineers from National University of Singapore.
If you are dealing with cakes, dim sum or kuehs, play the video to see how GourmetGrip picks Nyonya Kuehs and places them in a container without damaging them.